Let Go

Let Go

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In the pursuit of profound well-being, the moment has arrived to unshackle yourself from the grip of toxins and bask in the rejuvenating embrace of Let Go.

This groundbreaking detoxification elixir encapsulates its very appellation, urging you to relinquish accumulated impurities and cultivate restoration within both body and psyche. 
Contained within the bodies wondrous corporeal vessels, the kidneys, liver, skin, and intestines dutifully orchestrate the symphony of detoxification. Yet, when these vital conduits encounter obstructions, our entire system pays the toll, manifesting as weariness, cognitive haze, lethargy, dermal disturbances, disrupted slumber, and gastrointestinal unease.

At Depuravita, their unwavering commitment is to cleanse our existence from within, and Let Go stands as a testament to our fusion of age-old wisdom and contemporary innovation. By drawing inspiration from the concept of release, this extraordinary formulation harnesses the innate potency of nature’s remedial forces, nourishing the body’s intrinsic mechanisms of detoxification.


Elderberry a small tree commonly found in meadows and light forests, is a prominent figure in European herbal medicine and folklore. With roots in shamanic traditions, it's recognized for its purgative properties, decongesting stagnant blood, and removing heat and toxicity.
Beneficial for kidney function, Elder improves blood oxygenation and respiratory capacity. It has a historical reputation for addressing edema and kidney-related issues. In the realm of skin health, Elder proves useful in addressing rashes and chronic conditions like erysipelas, eczema, and boils. It opens pores, facilitating the removal of impurities. Elderberry, with its rich history and diverse applications, plays a vital role in holistic herbal practices.

Recognized for its diuretic properties, sarsaparilla has been historically valued for its diverse health benefits. Used as a tonic, it exerts a generalized action on multiple body systems, earning the label "alterative." Beyond being a diaphoretic effective in fevers, its primary strength lies in its diuretic nature, aiding in the clearance of kidney and bladder gravel and stones. Additionally, sarsaparilla proves beneficial for conditions like dropsy and venereal disorders. Universally acknowledged as a blood purifier, sarsaparilla extends its positive effects to various facets of health. Native Americans leveraged this herb for addressing stomach issues, promoting skin health, supporting kidney and urinary tract function, and combating respiratory conditions.

Cleavers (Galium aparine) is a multifaceted herb recognized for its valuable properties. Notably, it serves as a gentle yet effective diuretic, promoting increased urine production and aiding in detoxification. The herb has historical significance in supporting renal function, suggesting potential benefits for kidney health. Cleavers is renowned for its capacity to activate the lymphatic system, contributing to improved circulation and immune support. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory potential is acknowledged, making it traditionally useful for addressing conditions involving swellings. With a historical association with skin health, Cleavers indirectly promotes skin well-being through its lymphatic influence.

Yellow Bedstraw (Galium verum), like its counterpart Cleavers, boasts a range of beneficial properties. Notably, it is recognized for its diuretic qualities, gently supporting increased urine production for detoxification purposes. With a historical association in traditional medicine, Yellow Bedstraw is considered beneficial for renal function, potentially aiding in maintaining kidney health. Similar to Cleavers, Yellow Bedstraw is esteemed for its ability to activate the lymphatic system, contributing to enhanced circulation and immune support. Its potential anti-inflammatory properties align with traditional uses for addressing inflammatory conditions. The herb's historical relevance in promoting skin health reflects its indirect impact on the lymphatic system, fostering overall well-being.

Nettle is celebrated for its diverse therapeutic properties. Renowned for its anti-inflammatory potential, this herbal extract may aid in alleviating conditions associated with inflammation. Additionally, nettle tincture is recognized for its diuretic effects, potentially promoting kidney health by assisting in the removal of waste products. With its rich nutritional content, the tincture offers a source of vitamins and minerals, contributing to overall well-being. Traditional uses also highlight its role in addressing issues like gout, skin rashes, and kidney gravel. Nettle tincture's versatility extends to supporting regular bowel activity by stimulating the large intestine. Overall, this herbal remedy is valued for its holistic impact on various aspects of health and vitality.

Dandelion is prized for its versatile and beneficial properties. Notably, it is recognized for its potential as a natural diuretic, promoting kidney health by facilitating the elimination of excess fluids and waste from the body. This herbal extract is also associated with anti-inflammatory effects, offering support for conditions linked to inflammation. Rich in vitamins (such as A, C, and K) and minerals (including potassium), dandelion tincture contributes to overall nutritional well-being. Traditional uses encompass addressing issues like liver support, digestive concerns, and skin conditions. With its broad spectrum of health benefits, dandelion tincture stands as a valued herbal remedy for holistic wellness.

Plantain is primarily recognized as a potent "herbal drawing agent," particularly known for its ability to extract splinters, dirt, pus, and infection from wounds. This unique quality sets it apart in the realm of herbalism, even though conventional medicine may not attribute such properties to plants. The plant's natural history further supports its drawing capabilities, as it thrives in hard, compacted soil, demonstrating its ability to extract nutrients from challenging environments.The mechanism behind Plantain's drawing ability remains unclear, but its effectiveness is evident in its traditional use by herbalists and folk medicine practitioners.
Plantain is recognized for its skin-cleansing attributes. The tincture derived from Plantain is believed to contribute to skin health by cleansing and supporting its natural healing processes.

Completing this ensemble, artichoke extract emerges as a cornerstone of Let Go's transformative tapestry. Revered across culinary traditions, the artichoke's intrinsic potency extends beyond the palate, delving into the realm of detoxification and holistic well-being.
Rich in compounds such as cynarin and chlorogenic acids, artichoke extract stands as a beacon of hepatic health. Its ability to stimulate bile production aids in digestion, supporting the liver's pivotal role in detoxification. By enhancing bile flow, artichoke extract assists in the breakdown and elimination of fats, which can encapsulate toxins and impede their excretion.

8 key Western herbalism plants synergize within this elixir, enhancing its detoxifying marvels. Their collective resonance facilitates purgation, invigoration, and refinement of your corporeal sanctum.

Narrowleaf plantain: Esteemed in folkloric curatives, plantain possesses profound purgative characteristics, coaxing toxins to the surface and extending relief to the integument. Across generations, herbalists have leaned upon plantain’s remedial aptitude to combat acne, appease skin inflammation, and expedite the restitution of wounds.
Nettle: Abundant in flavonoids and potassium, nettle assumes the mantle of a potent diuretic, engendering the expulsion of toxins. Its exceptional virtues extend to refining the integumentary shield, the body’s largest organ, ameliorating blemishes, and assuaging the flush of redness ensuing from toxic accumulation.
Yellow bedstraw and Aparine: These venerable plants have long been exalted in the realm of herbalism for their capacity to cleanse and purify, culminating in a sense of rebirth and vivacity. Their synchronous agency permits the release of that which no longer serves, ushering forth your intrinsic radiance.
Dandelion: Revered in Western traditional medicine, dandelion boasts unparalleled purgative prowess for the liver and bloodstream, accompanied by its remarkable diuretic attributes. In the annals of Chinese pharmacopeia, dandelion excels at dispelling “liver fire,” showcasing a treasury of antioxidants and calcium, rendering it an ideal adjunct for detoxification targeting the liver, kidneys, and intestines.
Elderberry: Celebrated for its immunity- enhancing attributes and prowess against influenza, elderberry’s benefits encompass the intestines, skin, and kidneys. Operating as a tonic, elderberry fortifies the vital fluid, gently cleansing the alimentary canal, and stimulating perspiration, thereby facilitating detoxification across multiple strata.
Artichoke Extract: Rich in compounds such as cynarin and chlorogenic acids, artichoke extract stands as a beacon of hepatic health. Its ability to stimulate bile production aids in digestion, supporting the liver’s pivotal role in detoxification. By enhancing bile flow, artichoke extract assists in the breakdown and elimination of fats, which can encapsulate toxins and impede their excretion.
Sarsaparilla: This remarkable flora not only facilitates intestinal detoxification but also forms unions with endotoxins, expediting their evacuation through excreta and urine. Permit sarsaparilla to be your consort in the pursuit of holistic well-being.

Take 20 drops in liquid, tea, or water daily.

Water, Ethyl Alcohol, DANDELION (Taraxacum officinale (L.) NETTLE (Urtica dioica L.), YELLOW BEDSTRAW (Galium verum L.), CLEAVERS (Galium aparine L.), SARSAPARILLA (Smilax aspera L.), ELDER (Sambucus nigra L.), NARROWLEAF PLANTAIN (Plantago lanceolata L.), ARTICHOKE (Cynara scolymus L.)

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