Meet Alexandra Kruse - Self-Proclaimed Fashion Witch and Co-Founder of New Moon

At Muse & Heroine we know that everything around us holds energy and frequency - it is our pleasure to travel over the seven seas, through time and space to find the most sought-after products for higher living and better choices available on this planet. We are scouting one-of-a-kind clean beauty gems, powerful wellness treasures and unique accessories to make every self-love moment remarkable.

And we believe in the Power of the Moon - today, we are introducing an exclusive bundle of powerful moon magic for you to wear and manifest your wildest dreams in it.



New Moon is a project co-founded by Astrologer Alexandra Kruse and Fashion-brain Nina Zywietz. Born between Berlin and Zürich on the Virgo new moon of 2020, when the old world began to collapse, and the new world was just about to begin. Born on the belief that the only constant is change and that we, as cyclic beings, with the moon as our teacher, can grow. Collectively and Individually. The Idea is to create high frequency products and experiences in alignment with the moon, the sun and the stars.

  With every new moon we start over - a new moon is a true gift from the universe and THE moment for a cosmic reset, once a month when the moon and the sun conjoin in the sky, setting off a new cycle of light - the moon is re-born and so are we!

 Are you ready to meet co-founder and self-proclaimed fashion witch Alexandra Kruse in our exclusive interview? Then read along!

Dear Alex, your face is definitely familiar on Muse & Heroine, but today we would like to be extra nosey and ask you some questions about yourself and your intriguing new project New Moon. First of all, can you tell us a bit about your background?

The moment I have met Janine and her transformative work online has definitely changed my perspective on the power of beauty and radical self-love. She is a miracle machine and so am I. I have so much honor for her work and I can't believe we will meet for the first time in Paris in person to celebrate female leadership, the power of creation and the launch of "New Moon". The Universe is 100% behind this connection! I have studied fashion journalism and media relations 20 years back in Hamburg, worked many, many years in the industry, as a writer, editor and free lance stylist for different magazines. Today, I believe in nothing more then in the magic of transformation. Fashion is still my favorite playground - I am living a highly magical and super creative life in Zürich with my nine year old son and many, many good spirits around me.

Why did you transition from the fashion industry to the mystical astrology sphere?

I have always been the "weird girl" talking about energies, the moon and bringing Palo Santo to super co-operate advertising shootings. I started to write spiritual content in my monthly Vogue column for Scorpio Season 2017. Then, Veronika Heilbrunner asked me to write a huge annual horoscope for her then digital project HEY WOMAN! for 2018 - I will never forget the moment a huge orange full moon rised over the Egyptian sea, we stayed at a super cheap hotel, the relationship with the father of my son exploded just in time and I started to write. Without a certificate in astrology studies or any formal training. Just out of my feeling - with the planets as my teacher.  I went to Jupiter and back, procrastinating, freaking out and since that day the piece was published, I never stopped writing horoscopes - It was a huge coming out of the spiritual closet.

How did you come up with the idea to launch New Moon? Can you tell us a bit more about this new project?

New Moon is the perfect example of female co-creation - blessed with divine timing, a lot of faith and trust in opportunities. The idea was born under a new moon in Virgo 2020 when the world inevitably changing. My co-founder Nina Zywietz called me and i am not sure if she EVER called me before. We knew each other from collapsing on Berlin dancefloors, super busy Fashion Weeks and wild Parties before there even was Instagram. We both had a career in fashion, changed cities, lifestyles and boyfriends - but remained true to our authentic nature, even if that was uncomfortable. That day, we talked a LOT. And founded our label in that call, by trusting our intuition that the world is ready for a high vibrational garment. With no other intention then to shine a light on the moon and bringing peace down to earth. It was way later, that I realized that day actually was a new moon.

The new moon stands for a chance to start over, reset and make changes. What is your favorite way to celebrate this rejuvenating time?

Personally, I am bleeding with the new moon - so for me it is always the time for releasing what is no longer serving and honouring Mother Earth for her creation and me as a cyclic being. It's the time of the month to go inward, home to myself and my bath tub. I have a long history with PMS, struggled a lot with migraines and the simple discomfort of being in a body. The moon teached me a lot about sacred structures and how we simply can be better humans when we learn how to love and live by her rhythm. It's about remembering what we did for centuries. The moon was here before Google Maps!! There are many practical aspects in her musing - Astrology simply is a super powerful tool, that gives you magical insights.

Do you have any new moon-related beauty/self-care ritual?

Long, hot Baths! As a cancer, water is my natural habitat. I use a lot of bathing salt, the Sea Siren Body Scrub, litres of Body Oils and rose petals. It's a beautiful mess.

What’s your star sign?

I am a cancer sun with a scorpio rising and a capricorn moon - every woman needs to know her moon!!

What are your bedside table essentials?

The Tennis Pro by SmileMakers, some huge crystals, different energy sprays and 25 books. Currently I am reading "Spirit hacking" by Shaman Durek. And I am on the waiting list for Shiva Rose "Love Oil".

