A Chat With Norma Kamali, Fashion Designer and Healthy Icon

Norma Kamali has been in the fashion industry for 53 years and is known for her innovative designs. Here's her exclusive Muse & Heroine Interview. 

Her designs were referred to as ‘vintage of the future’ and her swimwear has made a global influence for over forty years.

The Parachute Collection is in several notable museums and is still evolving as part of her collection today. After 9/11 Norma Opened the Wellness Cafe, a curated collection of personal care and food products that support the immune system. In 2016 Norma Kamali received the lifetime achievement award from the cfda to add to her numerous awards from the fashion industry.
in 2019 Normalife was launched under the concept of a healthy lifestyle. Normalife is democratic and inclusive for men and women of all ages, skin color, and type.
the first launch was a skin line of timeless, safe ingredients and the packaging was developed with a sustainability focus. Her book focusing on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle through sleep, diet, exercise, and personal style will release in January 2021.

You have been in the fashion industry for more than 50 years, you already created a wellness café when no one knew the meaning of wellness and you`re the founder of Normalife which is a healthy lifestyle concept. And you look so fabulous, young and dynamic… please tell us your secret!

I think the secret, which is not really a secret, is that sleep diet and exercise are the three pillars of a healthy lifestyle. By sleeping 6-8 hours a night, eating a nutrient-rich plant-based diet, and working out or doing physical activities every day you have the opportunity to age with power.

If you could start again, is there something you would do differently in your career?

I think the beauty of every life experience is to learn from mistakes or life's lessons so you understand your purpose.

What is your philosophy as a businesswoman and as a boss?

Anything is possible. Disappointments and rejection should be used as information to rethink your approach to how you achieve your goals. As a boss, inspire, raise the barre for the team to realize everyone is capable of excellence in work and in life...

What`s the best thing about being a woman?

We are nurturing, compassionate, protective; the desire to give love, the desire to be loved.

When would you say you feel you are most beautiful?

When I'm in control and not stressed.

What’s your approach towards getting older?

Age with power; embrace the experience and the knowledge you have and share it with everyone in any way possible.

What supplements or vitamins do you swear by?

Vitamin D, C, B12, Zinc, complex probiotics.

If you could design your ideal daily menu, what would you eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack?
I love intermittent fasting. I break my fasting at around 11-12 p.m. with matcha tea; For breakfast, I eat porridge with berries and nuts. Around 4 p.m. I like to eat some fish like salmon and a green salad with chickpeas, olives, artichokes, tomatoes, etc
For dinner a smoothie with some greens, avocado, blueberries.
And I like to snack on nuts.
Best advice for someone who is looking to clean up their diet?

Clear out everything from your kitchen cabinets and fridge…so you have access only to healthy fresh food. Never allow bad food in the house, so no matter how hungry you feel you will only eat healthily.

You live in new york city, and there’s a lot of busy women on the go. what are some products that all women need in their beauty routines?

A simple routine of products with timeless ingredients that actually work: a cleanser, an exfoliant, a good moisturizer, and a bit of self-tan.

Are there any beauty secrets that your mother or grandmother passed down to you?

Olive oil is a magic all-purpose product: as old as the Bible and the perfect example of an inside-outside beauty product.

Tell us one of your personal best-kept beauty secrets?

Have a dream and no matter how hard it is, make it come true. It gives you a special spirit and energy - and it shows.

What is your daily beauty regimen? What is your weekly beauty regimen?

This is what I like to do: have some good sleep, a healthy diet, exercise, acupuncture, Thai massages, stretching, and meditation.

What do you use for your body?

I love to dry-brush and moisturize.

Could you give us a glimpse into your fitness regime?

I train every day at the same time - 4.45 pm – for one hour. On Weekends and mid-week I train for almost two hours. And I try to sleep at least 8 hours a night, it’s super important.

How would you spend a perfect day in NY?

Walking around, spending time with friends, and eating out at one of our favorite places.

Any travel tips?

Travel light. I like to go to the beach when I need some time off. And always look for the best, freshest, plant-based produce to eat.

And last question: what does self-love mean to you?

When you take care of your body and mind you transmit self-respect, and that is picked up subliminally by others: that's why they'll treat you with respect.


All Credits @Norma Kamali. 
