Meet Claire Andreewitch: author, naturopath and yoga teacher

Claire is not only a green beauty expert: she is also a glowy goddess, the author of Révélez votre Glow, a naturopath and a yoga teacher. Please meet her and get ready to feel inspired.

Hello Claire and thank you so much for sharing your time with us on Live Like a Heroine. Let's start this interview with a little bit of your background. What was your career journey? Have you been always passionated about health, nutrition, wellbeing and beauty?

Always! My family was very into this but before I started working with holistic health I worked in fashion for a few years.

 What makes you feel at your best?

When I can live at my own rythm – wake up with the sun, not run after the clock, go to bed when I’m tired ;) And be with my loved ones of course. 

What is your best hidden talent?

Haha good question – quick language learner and I can dance salsa ;)

What is your favorite way to pamper yourself?

Baths and massages.

You've Wrote a Book all about it. How do we get the famous “Glow”? Tell us some of your wisdom.

You start by loving and respecting yourself. It’s a daily practice… and then you need to respect the basics before doing ANYTHING else: sleep/movement/hydration/ clean food/loving relationships.

What is your daily beauty regimen? What is your weekly beauty regimen?

AM/PM solid routine with plenty of hydration and SPF every day and double cleanse at night. 2-3 times a week I exfoliate and put on a hydrating mask. Every 6 weeks or so I have a facial too.

Do you have a beauty DIY recipe?

Manuka honey is the best and most simple beauty ingredient. I’ve used it since I was 14 or so, you just put it on a clean face and leave on for at least 15 min. Its soothing, healing, purifying – it does everything ;-) And I also love simply putting cold cucumber on the face and eyelids.

Tell us one of your personal best kept beauty secrets?

Dry brushing and sauna and cold shower or lake!  (yes I did grow up in Sweden).

What`s your favorite way to workout?

In the morning to get a good start of the day – either yoga, I run or do specific core sessions. If I could I’d swim in the ocean every morning.

What do you do to relax?

I read, I spend time in nature, I cook, I have a bath, I meditate, I make love …

What is the best piece of advice you`ve ever received?

Make sure you know your priorities every day.

Life changing book you`ve read?

A return to love by Marianne Williamson.

Favorite App on your phone?

The podcast app!

Favorite health spot in Paris?

Wild & the moon, and massages by Delphine Langlois.

Who do you see for treatments in Paris?

Delphine mentioned above does amazing face massages ;) And for facials I see Céline Aharoni.

First thing you do when you wake up?

I stretch, I think of what I want to focus on during the day and I cleanse my tongue before I drink aloe vera.


Favorite dish and recipe to share?

I love simple, fresh and colorful veggie dishes like my lunch today: Avocado/ spinach/ red onion/ quinoa/ a little mango/ lime/ pistachios/ olive oil/ sea salt. Im also a huge fan of sweet potato in all of its shapes and ceviche!

Last thing before bed?

I try to read something inspiring or listen to a podcast to avoid looking at any screen (the worst for good sleep!).

Any bedside beauty essentials?

Lavender essential oil, hand cream, lip balm and the magic mushrooms in rose quartz by Sentara.

What is your personal mantra?

All is now.

What does self love mean to you?

Respecting your needs, not letting the opinions of others rule your life.

Please share with us your most healing self love rituals?

It’s firstly about the on going self-talk: be gentle with your self. Choose your toughts and words better thinking and talking to yourself. It has a huge impact on our emotional state and on every cell in the body.


Find Claire on Instagram @claireandreewitch.
