Interview with Sylvie Lefranc, Beauty Expert and Face Yoga Guru

Sylvie Lefranc is the biggest face yoga expert in the beauty world, passionate about teaching women the best techniques to develop and keep a radiant skin and a glowing face. Here is her exclusive interview.

Sylvie is one of our personal Muses and a true wellness Heroine. Her approach to holistic beauty is effective, energetic and empowering. Here is her exclusive Muse & Heroine Interview.
Tell us a bit about you and your background in wellness.

I have always been interested in Beauty since I was a child, I loved cosmetics, make-up, and pampering myself with all the creams I found in the bathrooms of my mum, grandmother, aunties…Besides, I grew up in Nature, with a Dad who took walks in the forest as often a he could, and I developed a strong connection with Nature.

 When did you know you wanted to be a face yoga therapist? And when did you realize this could be your profession & career?

I decided I wanted to be a face yoga therapist a few years ago after nearly 20 years of training in Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Face Gym, Face yoga, Face Ayurvedic Massage…and it suddenly became something absolutely obvious for me.

I realized it could become my profession and career 3 years ago: I felt it was my life mission.

What are the key benefits of face yoga?

Face yoga is a holistic approach to Youth and Beauty that relies on the work of a specific face muscle, so that they stay as relaxed, toned and plumped as possible, for a youthful and radiant face. It is also a self-love practice in which you gradually learn to love your face and yourself.

How often you need to do facial exercises in order to get the best results?

A daily practice of face yoga is the best for lasting results.

Which techniques are the best ones for getting the most anti-aging effects?

Face aging has two main dimensions : wrinkles, and loss of tone. For the first one, we need to relax, stretch and learn to rest the hypertonic muscles whose contractions end up causing wrinkles on the face. For the second one, we on the contrary need to tone the muscles by making them work more than they do on a daily basis to give them back strength and volume.      


Where do you see the first signs of aging in the face?

The way a face ages is extremely personal and depends on a combination of factors : genetics, emotions, health, food, sleep….so each face has its specific path of aging.

What is your daily beauty regimen? What is your weekly beauty regimen?

I daily (morning and evening) practice a good face massage with a wonderful facial oil with I often change for a renewed pleasure and to tackle different needs of my skin. Besides, according to the needs of my face, I also practice facial yoga (firming practises, acupressure…) to tackle them.

 Tell us one of your personal best kept beauty secrets?

Taking care of my emotions is extremely important for the beauty of my skin: I am quite a sensitive person, and I absorb a lot during the day. If I neglect my own emotions, they end up showing on my face, with a dull skin, more marked wrinkles, and a globally sad face. That’s why I insist so much on emotions during my face yoga sessions.

 What is your favorite way to pamper yourself?

I am a HUGE fan of Clean Cosmetics, and I just love testing new products, feeling their texture on my skin, massaging them deeply on my face and body, checking the benefits….

So, a voluptuous self massage with a vibrant oil after a good hot bath does wonders for me.

You feel a cold coming. What`s your plan of action?

I immediately take drops of Echinacea, I press the acupressure points for Lungs/Large Intestine on Body and Face, I drink Ginger tea during the day and I cover myself with hot socks and pullover to keep inside as much heat as possible. 

How do you look after your body?

I regularly practice Yoga, I try to walk daily in nature (I live very close to the Bois de Boulogne), I eat organic food only, and I try to sleep as much as 7-8 hours per night.

When would you say you feel your most beautiful?

I feel the most beautiful when I feel in balance and connected to myself, when I honor my emotions, and when I have taken enough time to care for my face and body, and when I have had the opportunity to be surrounded by loving and caring people.

What supplements or vitamins do you swear by?

I daily take Vitamine D, I regularly drink the wonderful Bone Broth from Nubio, and I often drink superfoods and adaptogens. 

 Where do you go for treatments in Paris?

It is quite a long time since I last had a treatment, but for years I used to go to the Maison Dr Hauschka.

 What are your favorite healthy spots in Paris?

I love Food, and my favorite healthy spots for Food are: The Maisie Café, Wild and the Moon, La Guinguette D’Angele and Cave and Coconut.

For Yoga Practice, I love « The Tigre Yoga Club » where I teach Face Yoga and where I spend wonderful time with my daughter in Parents-children classes.

I also love the Nubio Concept Store where I find the better juices and food supplements.

 How would you spend a perfect day in Paris?

A walk in the Bois de Boulogne to start the day, a yoga class, a lunch with friends at Wild and The Moon, and then spending the afternoon with friends in my favorite Beauty Spots (Oh my Cream, Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche, Les Galeries Lafayette des Champs Elysées) testing the last Clean and Organic Beauty Products.

What is your advice to those looking to live a healthier lifestyle?

Developing a beautiful relationship with themselves, in order to be able to listen to the needs of their body, their face, their emotional body and their mind.

Your favorite holistic destination?

 One of my favorite holistic destinations is Findhorn in Scotland.

Tell us your three pearls of wisdom?

« Your tasks is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built agains it » Rumi

« You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire Universe, deserve your love and affection » Buddha

« Your beauty, your health, and much of your youthful vitality can be recovered simply by listening to, and returning to, gentle waves of your inner world that is alive with feelings and thoughts » Susan West Kurz.


Credits Ph: Sylvie Lefranc.


