Meet Emma Sawko: Founder of Wild & The Moon and Superfood Enthusiast
If there’s one trend that has been going around for years, despite the passing of time, is for sure the one about superfoods. However, with time we have been educated that healthy balanced nutrition cannot be intended as a seasonal fashion but more so as a way of living and caring for our body. And with plenty of options on the market, choosing what’s right for us is confusing and sometimes frustrating. There’s nothing we love more that scouting those one-of-a-kind businesses that shares our values, and nothing gives us more happiness that making them accessible with you all. Well, today’s news is really one a of a kind because we’re dropping a real bomb!
If you’re not familiar with superfoods yet, you may be familiar with Wild & The Moon. This restaurant is the one-stop for healthy food and wise eating in Paris but gained recognition all over the globe for its sustainable and conscious approach to nutrition. More than a trendsetter, Instagrammable place, Wild & The Moon is a lifestyle movement created by a tribe of food lovers, chefs, nutritionists and naturopaths who believe that food should be Good for you, Good for the Planet & Delicious.
Additionally, the place is Janine’s own mandatory stop every time she’s in Paris, and if you know her a little bit now, you will know that it’s also her go-to place for the healthiest and most delicious Chaga Hot Chocolate!
Today we're proud to introduce you to Emma Sawko, food business entrepreneur and founder of Wild & The Moon. We sat down with Emma to chat about all things food, health, and of course, superfoods!
Dear Emma, we are so excited to be the first online retailer for the amazing Wild & The Moon supplements but before delving a little deeper into the magic world of Superfoods, can you tell us how you came up with the idea of opening Wild & The Moon?
My journey in the food business started in 2012 when I opened my venture, Comptoir 102, in Dubai. It was the first concept store in the region, and I wanted it to be like a home, with a café serving the healthy and organic food I was used to, mainly plant-based. It was an absolute first in the Middle East and an immediate success. My customers kept on asking for more, and I could see the growing interest for wholesome food. And after a while, I came up with this new concept, exclusively around food this time. I wanted it to be vegan, local, organic, authentic but to include notions of community and education around health and ecology.
What makes Wild & The Moon superfoods & powders so special?
“Superfood” is a term which can mean anything; farmed salmon fed with powdered animal byproducts was called a superfood not so long ago!
What we, at Wild & the Moon, call superfood are special ingredients with a very interesting nutritional status, even at a small dosage. We select each one of them carefully, either from wild sustainable sources or from organic farms we personally know. They are dried and ground at low temperature to preserve their nutritional goodness. Our superfoods blur the line between food and “traditional medicine”. Our blends have been thoroughly elaborated because some of them work better when they are combined, there is a synergy between these powerful ingredients.
What is your absolute favorite superfood (or a combination of more)?
I luuurve our spirulina because the one we now stock has amazing properties. The difference since I am taking it is like night and day. It is an amazing source of protein -which can be on the low side when you are plant based and exercising a lot like I do- iron, and vitamins. Not only do I feel more energetic, but people keep on asking me where my glow comes from. I have it in smoothies or on toast with olive oil. Loads of it. Everyday. I couldn’t live without it!
For beginners, is there a superfood that you think would be beneficial for almost everyone and would adapt easily into any lifestyle?
We created blends to cater for special concerns: low energy, skin problems, stress, immunity… It’s important to take the one you need most and see how it works for you. Chances are, there is one superfood your body is craving, whether it’s chaga to boost your immunity or CBD oil to sleep better…
But I would say Acai is easy to love. It’s the LBD of superfood: everyone can use a mega boost of antioxidants, it goes with everything, and the color works well in your average breakfast bowl or smoothie.
What would be your ideal brunch order at Wild & The Moon?
I’m in love with our homemade pink granola with homemade almond milk. And when it’s in season, I’m always partial to a good ol’ avo-toast. All with a big cup of matcha.
What’s your favorite way to incorporate the Beauty Supermix into your daily routine?
In my morning smoothie. Banana, almond milk, and whatever’s in the fridge as long as it’s fresh from the market!
What are the main benefits of the Relax Supermix?
This blend has adaptogens working to relax the nervous system. This is further assisted by a mix of prebiotics which are working on the gut flora (there is a strong mind and belly connection). It helps the body recover during stressful periods and relaxes the mind. It does miracles for my kids too when they go through worrying times!
What are the main benefits of Baobab, Spiruline and Acerola?
Baobab is highly nutritious and very rich in fibers, vitamins and minerals. It helps balance blood sugars and promotes a feeling of satiety, which may be helpful if you are trying to lose weight. It is also a good source of antioxidants.
Acerola is an amazing source of vitamin C which is highly assimilable. It is a great source of antioxidant and helps boost immunity.
Spirulina, my favorite, is the bomb. New research suggests anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, immune-boosting and brain protective activity. It is one, however, you must be extremely careful when you buy it as most spirulina sold are actually ridden with toxins. Ours comes from a pure organic farm and -cherry on top- tastes better! But, if you still don’t like the taste we also provide it as pills, they are easy to take! For me this superfood was a life-changer but maybe I said that already ?