Meet Theresia and Ida-Maia, Founders of Nottnuit

What was the journey that led you to create Nóttnuit?
I had been working with skincare for more than a decade, yet I still had very bad skin condition, so whatever I was doing clearly wasn’t working! When Theresia invited me to her lab to create some formulations based on my skin needs, I jumped at the chance. And the results were amazing. For the first time in forever I didn’t need to hide my face or feel uncomfortable in my own skin. It was a real Eureka moment, and one that inspired us to start a collaboration.
How did the two of you meet and decide to team up and what makes you a great team now?
We met working at the same beauty company in 2018, though Nóttnuit didn’t come about until 2020. We worked very closely together, so we learned a lot about each other and our views on skincare. We realized quickly that we shared the same vision regarding skin health. And as our expertise is in different fields, we never fight for the same task.
Yes, for example, we share the same philosophy of approaching skincare from a holistic point of view and believe in the concept of clean, yet effective ingredients. Combining my marketing and branding expertise with Theresia’s award-winning background in natural skincare innovation, it made sense for us to team up. That led us to creating a simplified, yet highly effective skincare ritual to rejuvenate the skin. And Nóttnuit was born.
How does your lifestyle influence the products you choose to develop?
We love self-care, but during the work week, we just don’t have enough time to spend on it. We need skincare that deliver results without investing in a time-consuming routine. That’s why all of our products are multi-corrective. By “multi-corrective” we mean that the product addresses several skincare concerns. In other words, less products that fulfill more functions, we want simplicity with maximum results. This is our aim with every product that we develop.
What is one thing you wish everyone knew about taking good care of their skin?
To change your products with the seasons. Not many people think about it, but if you live in a country with clearly defined seasons, then the needs of the skin can be very different in summer or winter for example. Also, exfoliation - it’s so important to prepare your skin before you use potent actives so that your skin can fully absorb all the benefits of your products. Oh, and never skip the evening routine! Your skin rejuvenates overnight while you’re sleeping, so it’s key to getting supple and healthy-looking skin. That’s why I never skip a good cleanse and moisturise before I go to bed, and the earlier in the evening, the better, so the products have more time to penetrate the skin.
As a former Nutritional therapist, I noticed that it was very common that people don’t drink enough pure water every day (no gas, no lemons, just plain clean water). That alone can have a huge impact on the skin. To stay hydrated, I always have a big jug of water on my desk. A trick to help your body absorb the water more efficiently is to add a pinch a good quality salt and/or mineral drops.
"As Theresia was a Homeopath, and from my experience in nutritional therapy, we share the same holistic ideology of the body and soul. Our brand philosophy centers on skincare as a whole; that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts.”
What are your thoughts on aging well and longevity in general?
As Theresia was a Homeopath, and from my experience in nutritional therapy, we share the same holistic ideology of the body and soul. Our brand philosophy centers on skincare as a whole; that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. We also take this approach to life in general. We believe that the key to aging well and to living a long and vital life is to look at ourselves and the world with this viewpoint, to nurture the body, mind, and the soul.
That even goes so far as nurturing your ability to love and have compassion, both to yourself and to others. Loving yourself is definitely something that can be easier said than done, after all, we can all sometimes be our own worst critic, but I take it one day at a time and treat it as a lifelong practice.
What is your daily and weekly wellness regimen?
My mind can be overactive, so I need at least one hour every evening to wind down and prepare for sleep. If I’m active late in the evening, I struggle to switch off, so I’ll usually read a book or watch a movie to unwind. I’ll also include some of my skincare routine as a kind of calming ritual. I use the VOW Barrier Repair Mask and DEW Regenerating Face Oil to do lymphatic face cupping or do some acupressure with the 528Hz Tuning fork. I’m fortunate enough to live next to a nature reserve, so I walk in the forest most days. Though during the weekends, I make it a priority to take walk amongst nature, regardless of the weather. Whether the sun is shining or its snowing outside, forest walks have become a necessity to clear my head.
I always start the day with my probiotics, a glass of water and the 528 Hz tuning fork ritual to bring my system into harmony, as well as helping with morning face puffiness. Whenever possible, I prefer to start my day in motion, with either a 20-minute walk or run. And before I check my inbox, I always spend a few minutes with myself to set my intentions and energy for the day. I love to end the day with a few minutes of contemplation, journaling, and meditation. I normally fall asleep before my head hits the pillow - I can easily sleep for 10 hours straight! My beauty sleep is everything to me, that’s my number one priority for my wellbeing. At the end of the week, I make time to give myself extra selfcare. I love alternating between a relaxing sauna, then a rejuvenating cold shower. My dream is to one day have my own Turkish bath at home.
“ The 528 Hz frequency is often referred to as the love frequency, and its healing powers date back to ancient times. It’s said to increase energy, creativity, clarity of mind and inner peace, as well as having DNA repairing properties. Once our formulas are created, we store them in an electromagnetic-balanced room and exposes them to this frequency.”
Tell us about frequency and skincare! How do you infuse your products with good vibrations?
This is a very good question, and a complex one! It’s a fascinating subject, so we wanted to explore the possibility of combining energies and beneficial frequencies with advanced skincare. Energies and multi-dimensional spectrums can be a bit hard to wrap your head around as they go beyond the mainstream scientific view of what can typically be measured and quantified. Basically, we have used the principles of BioGeometry, which is the patented science of using the energy of shapes to balance biological energy systems and harmonise their interactions with the environment. By placing a sample of our products in a BioGeometry Material Balancing Wheel, we expose them to the same energy that you find at sacred sites, such as the Machu Pichu, Pyramids etc. It appears to amplify and balance the energy fields of the body, giving the body greater power to heal itself.
We also work with the 528 Hz frequency. This is often referred to as the love frequency, and its healing powers date back to ancient times. It’s said to increase energy, creativity, clarity of mind and inner peace, as well as having DNA repairing properties. Once our formulas are created, we store them in an electromagnetic-balanced room and exposes them to this frequency. Our multi-functional wellness and beauty tool, the tuning fork, holds this frequency as well. It’s an effective way of applying 528 Hz to the body, and it’s also a vital part of our face toning and chakra balancing rituals, as well as our signature facials.
We strongly believe in the power of energies and that they can have a great impact on our lives.

How has your own beauty regimen changed over time?
Since I’m in my 50th year now, my skin is more delicate and much more prone to becoming dry, which means I can’t cheat on my exfoliating or evening routine. And I need to add a lot more moisture. This is a common problem with many of our customers, regardless of age, many people suffer with very dry skin. They’re on the lookout for richer moisturisers, especially during the colder seasons. In fact, we’ve just finalised a new rich moisturiser that still feels light on your skin but will soak it in moisture. So far, it’s the best rich cream I’ve developed during my 20 or so years in this business. So, as you can imagine, I’m pretty excited to see it launch soon!
What is your favorite way to move your body and exercise?
I’ve always had the need to be very physically active. During the winter, I like to go up to the north of Sweden, to ski in the mountains or to do cross-country skiing. This is also the season that I spend a lot of time in my home gym or at the yoga studio. During our short summer season, I take every chance I can to do activities outdoor. I live in Stockholm’s archipelago which gives my direct access to the sea and the forest, so I try to be as active as possible by running, swimming, paddle boarding, biking with the kids, or doing yoga on the deck by the water.
What do you do to unwind, relax and rest well?
My garden is my tranquillity place. I find working in my garden the most relaxing and rewarding activity for me. I also love to cook and have a greenhouse with direct access from the kitchen where I grow herbs. It feels so lovely and organic to pick the herbs that I’ve tended and nurtured, then add them to the food I’m cooking.
I’ve started to give myself permission to take a day off now and then, to just be in my own space and spend time with myself in silence. This is my go-to whenever life gets overwhelming.
First thing you do when you wake up?
Drink lemon water and do the sun salutation.
Press the snooze button, haha.
Last thing you do before bed?
Put on some lip balm, take a magnesium supplement in a big glass of water and a few deep breaths.
Kiss my kids goodnight.
Your go-to breakfast?
A cup of bone broth.
Banana pancakes.
You feel a cold coming on. What`s your plan of action?
Figure out which homeopathic remedy is best to prevent the cold advancing. Then take some full spectrum vitamin C like Amla capsules or Camu-Camu.
I usually ask Theresia to guide me on which homeopathic medicine I need. Then I take my go-to remedy of C-vitamin, D-vitamin and L-Lysine. I always store Aronia in my freezer that I pick in the autumn from my garden - I eat a few of those boost my immune system. I make myself a ume-kuzu drink, and if life allows me, I’ll rest and sleep it off.
Life changing book you've read?
Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari.
It’s a fascinating and scary book about human history and everyone should read it. Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent.
I’ve had this book for 20 years and it’s falling apart but it’s still the book I turn to several times a week whenever I need to look up any kind of symptom.
Back to Future for Mankind, BioGeometry by Ibrahim Karim.
This is written by a scientist who is bridging the gap between science and spirituality. He talks about the science of balancing energy quality and how to reproduce its harmonising effects. This book had a big impact, as he inspired us to integrate this fascinating technology into our work with frequencies for Nóttnuit.
“Six Senses Ibiza! It’s located on the northern tip of Ibiza, and one of the world’s most beautiful retreats. We love the place so much that we’ve launched Nóttnuit’s holistic facial treatments with beneficial frequencies, in their gorgeous spa!”
Favourite holistic wellness destination?
Without a doubt, Six Senses Ibiza! It’s located on the northern tip of Ibiza, and one of the world’s most beautiful retreats. We love the place so much that we’ve launched Nóttnuit’s holistic facial treatments with beneficial frequencies, in their gorgeous spa. This summer we were finally able to visit this healing destination when we trained the spa therapists to do our special 528 Hz signature facials. Everything about the place was breath-taking and we love how this retreat is centred around the holistic wellbeing of their guests.