How to: Quick Pre-Holiday August Detox (The Healthy Way)

After months and months of stress, hard work, annoying neighbors, and endless traffic jams, your dream holiday is finally approaching. You want to feel confident and look healthy, glowy, and toned?

Here are some Muse & Heroine tips and tricks for a quick august detox, that promise to beat the bloat and giving you a wonderfully healthy glow without compromising on health and self-love.
Eat Slowly and Mindfully.

Mindfulness, the practice of being present in the moment, is helpful in all aspects of your life. Mindful eating can help you make healthier food choices and also lower your calorie intake during your detox. Try eating in silence, or sharing a meal with a loved one without any digital devices. If you need an extra boost, try specific supplements: lots of bad oils and saturated fats are hard to digest, therefore they accumulate in the liver and tissue, and sometimes having a few extra pounds is primarily due to an inability to digest the oils that we are consuming. Unblock the liver from over-accumulation of moisture, inflammation, and stagnation with potions such as Anima Mundi Liver Vitality Daily Green Detox. And if you’re looking for a natural way to de-bloat, try "On veut...Naïade's slim figure" by Atelier Nubio – artichokes, fennel, and mint extracts to facilitate digestion and contribute to digestive comfort.

Drink Plenty of water and skip other beverages.

Yes, rosé included. When it comes to caloric intake, bloating, and fatigue, alcohol is usually a culprit. In the days and weeks leading up to the holidays, try to give your body a break from the booze and up your water intake. Pro tip: Drinking your water between meals will make your digestion more effective. And if you’re a fan of hydration on-the-go, try one of these stunning glass-bottles. Having a beautiful object on sight is very helpful to up your water intake. In the morning, try swapping your coffee with Depuravita Ayurvedic Detox Infusion.

Boost your microbiome with probiotics.

Get your gut ready for the holidays with a daily dose of probiotics. Bolstering your microbiome in advance can protect against constipation, and studies show that beneficial bacteria impact mood and energy, support the body’s ability to detoxify itself, and may help control appetite. An all-in-one prebiotic + probiotic supplement, like Heal from Depuravita, is the perfect way to start your morning ritual. Balancing your microbiomes - the microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi, and their collective genetic material present in your intestines - is associated with a flatter tummy, improved skin tone, a sunnier mood, and overall improved immunity.

Get on the mat!

If you’re looking for a quick yet relaxing practice that you can implement in a short amount of time, why don’t you give yoga a try? Yoga is a combination of breathing techniques, meditation, and movement great to get your blood flowing and stimulate your circulatory, digestive and lymphatic systems to eliminate the toxins built up in your muscles. Practiced regularly it will promote relaxation, reduce stress, improve digestion, and give greater physical and mental strength. Feeling extra lazy? Try investing in new and improved yoga gear, like this beautiful set from Maati Maati.

Pamper yourself.

If you need a quick boost, and you feel like you don’t have time to try any time-consuming, long-term activity, why don’t you celebrate and make the most of what you already have? Dry brushing (did you know that brushing your skin helps fight bloating? When dry brushing you’re massaging your lymph nodes to release excess water and toxins and improving digestion and kidney function. Here are our favorites from Ruhi), face masking, manicure, pedicure… and the list goes on. Make sure that every inch of your wonderful self is holiday-ready, and celebrate you!


Share your detox rituals on Instagram @muse_and_heroine.

