Discover the Magical World of Sentara Holistic
Mayia's Alleaume Magical attitude is a family affair. It all comes naturally to her. As a young woman guided by nature she is deeply connected to the virtues of health & beauty of nature.

Born in the basque country, a land of authenticity, Mayia takes a very young interest in the virtues of nature and plants.
As a young woman, from fine arts, she slides naturally towards make-up artistry. For fifteen years, she works with the most talented photographers, and the greatest models and artists sit on her make-up chair. Through backstages, make-up rooms and photo shoots, she learnes to listen to the desires, complaints and small concerns of the most beautiful girls in the world. Mayia is fascinated by aromatherapy and a fervent user of natural products so she starts advising her clients and friends and revealing them her own beauty secrets. After 5 years of research she designes Sentara Holistic, a beauty range with ultra repairing and magical, naturally luxurious tools.
Use these magical tools to take your self-care rituals to the next level. Choose the right material for your skin and your aura. Help your tools glide with the help of a rich, balmy, nourishing skincare potion and watch your skin depuff, rejuvenate and shine bright, and let your aura rejoice.
Sentara Holistic: The Tools

- in contact with the skin, it emits ultrasound which improves the oxygenation of blood flow of our cells and relieves muscle pain.
- its unique vibratory rate generates infrared radiation which accelerates the regenration of cell tissue, reduces toxins, improves skin quality and the appearance of cellulite.

A precious stone of protection and healing, the black obsidian from a volcanic rock, regenerates and healing the epidermis while promoting the production of collagen.
Roller movements on the skin stimulate blood circulation and the lymphatic system. The stone regenerates and soothes the epidermis. Recharge your roller regularly with the energy of the sun.
The way the Magic Mushrooms move on your skin stimulates the lymphatic system and the blood flow in order to revive your skin and give it back all its glow.
Sage sticks purify your environment and your mind. This plant inspires peace and harmony thanks to its relaxing and antiseptic virtues. This sacred plant promotes relaxation and meditation.
This natural incense originating in south america inspires peace and harmony thanks to its woody scent. This sacred wood promotes relaxation and meditation.
Crystal of beauty and absolute softness, Rose Quartz has been known for millions of years for its firming and anti-aging virtues. The massage of the gua sha lifts your skin and works out your facial band and gives it back all its glow
Amethyst, the crystal of harmony, and serenity. It equilibrates the body and mind and reinforces the intuition. Its virtues are soothing and purifying. The massage of the Horn Shaped Gua Sha drains the lymphatic system and stimulates your fluids giving your skin its glow back.
A precious stone of protection and healing, the black obsidian from a volcanic rock, regenerates and healing the epidermis while promoting the production of collagen. The movements of the roller on the skin stimulate the blood circulation and the lymphatic system in order to give it back its brightness.
Stone of wisdom and purity, White Jade harmonizes and balances the skin. It has decongestant and soothing effect. The movements of the roller on the skin stimulate the blood circulation and the lymphatic system in order to give it back its brightness.
Crystal of beauty and absolute softness, Rose Quartz has been known for millions of years for its firming and anti-aging virtues. It equilibrates the body and mind and reinforces the intuition. Its virtues are soothing and purifying. The massage of the Horn Shaped Gua Sha drains the lymphatic system and stimulates your fluids giving your skin its glow back.
Credits Ph: Sentara Holistic