Super Woman Athena Hewett

Athena is a dedicated esthetician based in San Francisco who started creating her own products to use in treatments and facials which quickly became so in demand it grew into it’s own brand - Monastery! In addition to taking care of her clients, her skin care line and her family - she takes great care of herself incorporating mindful eating, exercise, yoga and adaptogens on the daily so that she can keep showing up. 
What did you do before you founded Monastery and how has it helped inform how you do what you do now? 
I was and still am an esthetician. I created the products in order to perform facials but never with the intent to retail the products.
What’s been the most surprising element of starting your own business? 
The cost to vision ratio. I saw a capital projection sheet in my business plan the other day and I laughed out loud. I’ve always been an extremely hard worker but the levels of stress are something else. I’ve had to learn to change or implement new habits to help manage the stress. 
What's your secret strategy to Longevity? 
I'm not really sure, but I hope to live a long life.  For me, energy is key.  In order to have energy I have to know my family is safe and happy, I have to eat healthy, I have to exercise regularly, I have to sleep at least 7 hours a night, I have to have real relationships with people I respect and I have to make things with my hands.  If I can keep all of these things going, then no matter how long I live, I'll be happy with the life I'm living.
What are some daily non-negotiables for you when it comes to taking care of yourself? 
Mindful eating and exercising regularly (for me this means a tiny bit of yoga in the morning and night, running 3x a week, possibly 1 session of Peloton).
How do you implement your own products into your routine? 
I’m a minimalist. I use Rose Cleansing Oil every night. I’m also using a new product that we made every night as well and finishing with Gold or Attar. I absolutely can not wait to launch the new product! I use our Gold or Attar or Flora during the day.
What other brands, founders or personalities do you find inspiring? 
I’m always looking towards fashion brands for inspiration. Always love everything Rejina Pyo & Maryam Nassir Zadeh.
What website or IG page do you visit daily for input and to stay up to date?
Um…. I can’t think of any that I visit daily. Although, I’m sure there are but I just don’t realize it. I’m sadly always on social media “for work." For some comic relief I love @jfirstman; he is so funny and of course, @bennydrama7. For artistic inspo I love so many, and many of them have become friends at this point. That is definitely my favorite thing about IG. The relationships it builds that can turn into real life friendships. 
How do you structure your work day to help get things done while staying calm?  
Well.. I have a lot of help from amazing & talented people.  These people are family to me. 
Who do you turn to for advice, support and help? 
My closest friends and my husband. 
Do you have a morning routine that you stick to every day? 
I do stretches on my yoga mat and I drink my adaptogens. 
What do you do to unwind and relax in the evening?
Stretches and yoga. 
What’s your favorite meal to eat? 
Fancy cheeses (if I didn’t put this I’d be lying).
What’s your number one beauty “secret”? 
Standing on your head for a few minutes every day. The rush of blood to your face and head is so amazing. 
Where do you go to relax, rejuvenate and recharge? 
My parents farm. 
What’s your favorite travel destination ? 
Greece, France, Italy. 
Besides your own incredible products, what other Muse & Heroine products do you swear by? 
I love Depuravita! I can’t live without Feed and Fit!