A Father & Daughter Chat with Vegetal-Progress' Massimo and Cecilia Perotti

The innate avant-garde spirit that defines the Perotti Family is committed to respect the entire ecosystem of which man is also a part of, creating products beneficial to both.
Find out more about the magical world of Vegetal-Progress supplements and remedies with this exclusive father & Daughter chat. We are delighted to introduce you to Massimo Perotti, and his daughter Cecilia - which you may already know from a certain skincare brand...
Let’s start. Your family history has deep roots. Could you both share how and when your passion for botanicals and nature was born?
C: Walking with my grandfather in the mountains, picking flowers and herbs listening to enchanted fairy tales about their healing virtues.
M: As a child, walking with my father in the countryside or in the island of Capraia.
Do you remember the specific moment when and reason why you decided take part in your family-owned business, VEGETAL-PROGRESS?
C: To be very honest, it’s like I’ve always known that day would come. I started taking part in expositions and traveling all over the world with my dad since I was 10.
M: When I felt that my father needed support, since he worked in Africa for half of the year.

What is your favorite thing about working in your family-business?
C: To have the chance to truly develop new innovative plant-based remedies and fully free my creativity.
M: We are independent and, more or less, we can decide how to invest our future. It seems like our job is done to eradicate seemingly incurable sadness in people.
When it comes to your creations, ingredients play a massive role. Where do you source them from?
C: Our ingredients are genuine gifts of Mother Nature. We source from all over the world thanks to our 50 years heritage, but moreover to the deep friendship with our farmers, passed down from father to son.
M: From all over the five continents, working in a close cooperation with small farmers.
What are your favourite, most effective ingredients to formulate with?
C: Even if it’s hard to choose, I have a special connection with Dodonaea.

M: It's the very difficult - maybe impossible - to say. It depends by the time and by the target you are following.
We know it’s almost impossible to choose, but: Cecilia and Massimo, what is the holy grail product of your line?
C: When speaking about health and wellbeing the holy gray may be different from person to person. To me, it is Lesan-El-Tour, The Eternal Youth Pearls.

M: This is a very complicate question. I think that like in every plant it is the Phyto complex to work, so in a line it is the balance between the single ingredients.
The question everyone was dreading: what is working with your father/daughter like?
C: Beautiful and of course difficult, sometimes.
But certainly, in our job trust plays a peculiar role, and I think that my father and I fully trust each other.
M: At present, I can compare the two relationships, since I worked earlier with my father and now, I'm working with my daughter. For sure, I'm starting to understand my father... I supported my father and right now I'm trying to support Cecilia.
What is your self-care approach? And what is your go-to combo when you want to relax?
C: Going for a walk, doing yoga, meditating. Calling a friend, writing journal and reading poetry.
All with a potent nourishing mask on my face (love the CHB Midsummer Night Noir Masque), massaging with Sentara quartz mushrooms to calm skin and soul. Kundalini music in the background is essential.

M: To use natural organic products as food, to eat little, to use regularly our products.
Sun, clean air walking with friends or alone.
Let’s dream: your favourite, mindful holiday destination?
C: Bali, and Capraia.
M: Capraia Island.
Your typical healthy order at Centro Botanico Brera?
C: Wild fish, seasonal greens, goat yogurt and milk, Depuravita cold pressed juices, granola, raw chocolate, pomegranate, pumpkin.
M: I let Cecilia answer: she’s the one who prepares the weekly orders for the family.
What is one dream you have that you have yet to accomplish?
C: Opening a Centro Botanico pop up in Venice, LA.
M: I get too many dreams; the most difficult thing would be to choose one among all the others.
And last but not least, tell us one of your personal best kept pearl of wisdom.
It is a blessing
To be the color of earth
Do you know how often
Flowers confuse me for home
Rupi kaur
M: Chi solo sente il profumo del mio fiore, non lo conosce; e chi lo coglie solo per impararne, anch'egli non lo conosce.
(Hölderlin, Hyperion)
Don't forget to share your self-love routine on Instagram and tag us @muse_and_heroine.
Credits Ph:Vegetal-Progress