Wilder x Muse & Heroine - The Limited-Edition Detox & Reset Kit.

Tell us more about the three limited-edition products you have exclusively created for the most advanced and forward Muse & Heroine community to deeply detox and reset our body, mind and spirit.
We wanted to create a the most efficient DETOX RESET KIT that worked with the body as a whole – body mind and spirit, utilising our knowledgable naturopathic philosophy which is – give the body the right environment and it will thrive!
These three formulas embody this philosophy, using herbs that help to support gut health, immunity and the nervous system and to renew, and replenish the skin.
We created each formulas from natural organic whole herbs inspired by many years of naturopathic practice, we also felt a need to hold on to the colours and scents of summer two senses that really do evoke and heal ..our infusion of jasmine flowers in Spell Of The White Flowers Body Oil has to be tried to be believed, it is pure heaven!
Why is it so important to Reset and Detox the Body in September?
Holiday is a time to get away, relax and forget about usual daily worries and work. This also usually means daily exercise rituals tend to be forgotten too. This mixed with less of our usual diet regime and perhaps more alcohol consumption can help one to relax but then follows the need to get back into the usual rhythm of life and a good cleansing reset.
Do you like the idea of being September the new “new Year”?
I have always felt that the month of September was the new year!
This must have followed on from my school years but it’s also the long break which feels like a good full stop on all things and a chance to start a fresh.
I often feel like those first months of the year are just practice and then from September I can really implement those ideas.
What means September and the shift from Summer to autumn for you personally?
I personally find all season changes challenging, even the late spring months into summer, there's always for me a feeling of adjustment and nostalgia
I treat the summer to autumn shift period as most tend to see the New Years resolutions which is something I don't do. I’ve had time over the summer to think about whats not been working well for me and what I need to change ...summer always gifts me with this and then I love to come back to my routine with a new plan in place and adjustments worked out.
Often it’s a change of diet or a reminder of where more dedication to work and self care needs to go.
What are you looking forward to in Fall Season?
Summer to autumn is a busy time in our household with the kids settling into new classes and our Wilder team getting ready for the run up to Christmas, I do love though sharing recipes with healing berries of hawthorn and rose hips on our different platforms and creating fire ciders for immunity and gut health.
The other pluses are lighting a fire at the end of a day, and I love a winter wardrobe!

How looks your personal health, beauty and wellness routine in autumn?
My personal health moving into autumn means getting back to my yoga classes and finding time for myself again. Summer is intense in so many ways..work doesn’t stop and the work / kids juggle is often exhausting so although my hearts often heavy I love the start of school and having the chance to focus again.
After the summer I feel the need to reset, so cleansing nutritious herbs are an absolute must and making sure the lymphatic system and all eliminative organs and channels are running at their optimum.
I’ve shared a drink or two more than I usually would over the holidays so I make sure my liver is fully cleansed and supported.
I also absolutely love the sun and although I don’t lie in it anymore, I’m happiest being near a river, lake or sea in the sunshine so my skin needs extra care with dry body brushing, and moistening using our Phyto Radiance Day Oil to even out skin tone and nourish the skin with cold pressed high antioxidant organic oils.
Tell us more about the three limited-edition products you have exclusively created for our super advanced and forward Muse & Heroine community.
We wanted to create a DETOX RESET KIT that worked with the body as a whole body mind and spirit, utilising our knowledgable naturopathic philosophy which is give the body the right environment and it will thrive!
These three formulas embody this philosophy, using herbs that help to support gut health, immunity and the nervous system and to renew, and replenish the skin.
We created each formulas from natural organic whole herbs inspired by many years of naturopathic practice, we also felt a need to hold on to the colours and scents of summer two senses that really do evoke and heal ..our infusion of jasmine flowers in Spell Of The White Flowers Body Oil has to be tried to be believed, it is pure heaven!
Why you recommend everyone to incorporate this Detox Cure Kit into their life right now and how?
Wilder’s naturopathic philosophy believes in prevention rather than cure.
We don't believe in just working with the symptoms, we want to work with the body to prevent illness as a whole and this involves supporting the body inside and out with organic therapeutic herbs.
Supporting the body’s eliminative organs, this includes the health of the skin, making sure that all are supported and working at their optimum - this is the foundation for good health and then from here we’ve added herbs to support immunity and the nervous system.
These formulas are not only functional they’re luxurious we wanted to evoke a Meadow Walk when you sipped the tea, taste the nutrients in our Detox Drops and feel anointed by the summer herbs through our Spell Of The White Flowers Body Oil.
Any other health and beauty advice for upcoming Fall Season?
This season is all about Immunity & Detoxing making sure the body is in flow with our limited-edition Detox Reset Kit .
A season change often compromises the immunity so its important to support this with herbs such as Astragalus which I call the super hero cloak of herbs, Echinacea and Calendula all of which can be found in our Botanical Saviour Drops. To make sure your emotional health is supported as this has a big impact on our immune function this an be supported through vibrational flower essences especially needed I feel universally by all at this present time. Also replenishing the skin after sun, and sea moisturising with 100% natural nourishing organic oils that we have two of and now our super nourishing Spell Of The White Flowers.